8am to 5pm Mon - Fri

Phone 734.996.2345

G7 Master Qualification

When you see that G7 seal, it means... 

  • That Print-Tech can produce accurate and predictable color on our digital and offset presses.
  • That we have undergone a rigorous, top-to-bottom qualification procedure by industry association IDEAlliance.
  • That we have been validated as a proven quality leader by an independent 3rd source - RIT, the premier educational institution for printing and the graphic arts.
  • That we are among an elite group of printers recognized as adhering to the #1 global standards for matching proof-to-print. (In fact, we've been qualified since 2009, and we go through an exacting re-qualification process every year.)

G7 is one of those technical achievements that mostly print geeks talk about. While we don't make a big deal about it it's a huge benefit to our customers.